Chaparral Bruttó árrés

Mi az Chaparral Bruttó árrés?

A Bruttó árrés az Chaparral Energy, Inc. - 77.76%

Mi a Bruttó árrés meghatározása?

A bruttó árrés az árbevétel és az eladott áruk költségének különbsége, osztva bevételekkel, és százalékban kifejezve.

Gross margin is a type of profit margin, specifically a form of profit divided by net revenue. It is generally calculated as the selling price of an item, minus the cost of goods sold (production or acquisition costs, not including indirect fixed costs like rent, or administrative costs). The purpose of margins is to give a description of the gross profit.

Bruttó árrés a Energy szektor a OTC-on cégekben a Chaparral -hoz képest

Mit csinál Chaparral?

Chaparral Energy, Inc. engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, production, and operation of oil and natural gas properties primarily in Oklahoma, the United States. The company sells crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids primarily to refineries and gas processing plant. Its 210,000 net surface acres are located in the Mid-Continent region, approximately 122,000 net acres are located in the STACK play primarily in Canadian, Kingfisher, and Garfield counties. As of December 31, 2019, the company's estimated proved oil and natural gas reserves were 96.6 million barrels of crude oil equivalent; and had an interest in 2,782 gross producing wells, including 866 gross company operated wells. Chaparral Energy, Inc. was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. On August 16, 2020, Chaparral Energy, Inc., along with its affiliates, filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware.

bruttó árrés -hoz hasonló cégek Chaparral