First Solar Inc Működési árrés

Mi az First Solar Inc Működési árrés?

A Működési árrés az First Solar Inc - 33.96%

Mi a Működési árrés meghatározása?

A működési árrés a működési bevételek aránya a nettó árbevétel és százalékban kifejezve.

Operating margin is an indicator of profitability and is often used to compare the profitability of companies and industries of differing sizes. Companies are collections of projects and markets, individual areas can be judged on how successful they are at adding to the corporate net profit. Not all projects are of equal size, however, and one way to adjust for size is to divide the profit by sales revenue. The resulting ratio is the percentage of sales revenue that gets 'returned' to the company as net profits after all the related costs of the activity are deducted.

Működési árrés a Utilities szektor a NASDAQ-on cégekben a First Solar Inc -hoz képest

Mit csinál First Solar Inc?

first solar (nasdaq: fslr) is a leading global provider of comprehensive photovoltaic (pv) solar systems which use its advanced thin-film modules. the company’s integrated power plant solutions deliver an economically attractive alternative to fossil-fuel electricity generation today. from raw material sourcing through end-of-life module collection and recycling, first solar’s renewable energy systems protect and enhance the environment. for more information about first solar: - visit us on the web at - follow us on twitter at (@firstsolar) - subscribe to our blog at - check us out on youtube at

működési árrés -hoz hasonló cégek First Solar Inc