Cresud 1 éves cél

Mi az Cresud 1 éves cél?

A 1 éves cél az Cresud - $0 -99.43%

Mi a 1 éves cél meghatározása?

Az 1 évre szóló cél az előrejelzett tőzsdei ár egy év múlva.

One year target is an estimate of a stock price for a point in time equal to a year from the current date. The price level most often reflects the collective opinion of different analysts on where the stock will be trading a year from now. For an analyst to identify an individual estimate, they have to project what a company’s business will look like in a year, typically focusing on revenue and other significant factors. They also consider the willingness of investors to pay a certain price. While the average or median recommendation may be predictive and reflect the actual future value, the results are usually not extremely successful.

1 éves cél a Consumer Staples szektor a NASDAQ-on cégekben a Cresud -hoz képest

Mit csinál Cresud?

Cresud SACIF y A is an agricultural company, producing grains, sugar cane, meat, and milk, as well as focusing on acquisition, development, and exploitation of agricultural properties for rental, shopping centers, and hotels.

1 éves cél -hoz hasonló cégek Cresud