AgroFresh Solutions Inc Előre P/E
Mi az AgroFresh Solutions Inc Előre P/E?
A Előre P/E az AgroFresh Solutions Inc - N/A
Mi a Előre P/E meghatározása?
Az előrejelzett ár / jövedelem arány a vállalat tőzsdei árának és a társaság becsült részvényenkénti eredményének aránya a következő tizenkét hónapban.
The forward price to earnings ratio is similar to trailing price to earnings ratio but instead of net income uses estimated net earnings over next 12 months. Estimates are typically derived as the mean of those published by a select group of analysts with selection criteria varying. The forward price-to-earnings ratio is a powerful, but limited tool. It allows a quick snapshot of the company’s finances without getting down in the details of an accounting report.
Mit csinál AgroFresh Solutions Inc?
AgroFresh Solutions Inc. is an AgTech innovator and global leader with a mission to prevent food loss/waste and conserve the planet's resources by providing a range of science-based solutions, data-driven digital technologies and high-touch customer services. AgroFresh supports growers, packers and retailers with solutions across the food supply chain to enhance the quality and extend the shelf life of fresh produce. The AgroFresh organization has 40 years of post-harvest experience across a broad range of crops, including revolutionizing the apple industry with the SmartFresh™ Quality System for more than 20 years. This is powered by a comprehensive portfolio that includes plant-based coatings, equipment and proprietary solutions that help improve the freshness supply chain from harvest to the home.