Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc Ex-dividend dátuma

Mi az Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc Ex-dividend dátuma?

A Ex-dividend dátuma az Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc - N/A

Mi a Ex-dividend dátuma meghatározása?

Az osztalék dátuma az a határidő, amely előtt az értékesítés utáni osztalékfizetés az eladónak az új tulajdonoshoz tartozik.

The ex-dividend date or reinvestment date is an investment term involving the timing of payment of dividends on stocks of corporations, income trusts, and other financial holdings. If a sale is before this date, the dividend belongs to the new owner; if on or after the date, the seller is entitled to the dividend. If a stock is purchased on its ex-dividend date or after, the buyer will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller gets the dividend. If a stock is purchased before the ex-dividend date, the buyer gets the dividend.

Mit csinál Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc?

Foresight Solar & Infrastructure VCT plc is a venture capital trust of Foresight Group. The fund aims to generate returns through tax free dividends, by investing in a portfolio of new electricity generation projects in the very short term as well as longer term energy related infrastructure investments such as smart meters, and solar power generating systems supported by the United Kingdom government's Feed-in Tariff scheme. It invests in solar projects throughout Europe. The fund is a five-year planned exit VCT with an option to remain in the fund as a longer-term investor.