Vaxart Inc Cash / Share

Mi az Vaxart Inc Cash / Share?

A Cash / Share az Vaxart Inc - 0.24

Mi a Cash / Share meghatározása?

Egy részvényre jutó készpénz egy társasági készpénz, amelyet megosztanak a társaság fennálló részvényeivel.

Cash per share, sometimes called the cash share ratio, is the total cash per share. Cash on hand is reported on the balance sheet. Cash per share is calculated by dividing cash on hand by the total number of shares. Cash per share is the percentage of a firm's share price that is immediately accessible for spending. Cash per share consists of cash and short-term investments. It is money that a firm has on hand and does not come from borrowing or financing activities.

When a firm has a high cash per share, significant percentage of its assets is in a very liquid form. This can indicate economic uncertainty and unwillingness to invest given the current economic climate. High levels of cash per share can indicate that a firm is performing well and is able to reinvest in itself but high cash per share does not always indicate overall financial strength.

Mit csinál Vaxart Inc?

since its founding in 2004, vaxart has pursued a vision of advancing vaccines—to make them as tablets rather than injections. the company’s proprietary oral vaccine delivery platform is suitable to deliver any recombinant vaccine, positioning vaxart to introduce oral forms of multiple vaccines in the rapidly growing global vaccines market.

cash / share -hoz hasonló cégek Vaxart Inc