Atlassian EPS

Mi az Atlassian EPS?

A EPS az Atlassian Corporation - N/A

Mi a EPS meghatározása?

Az egy részvényre jutó nyereség (EPS) az a társaság nyereségének a része, amely a törzsrészvények minden egyes fennálló részesedéséhez tartozik. A hígításhoz igazodik, és a tizenkét hónap után kiszámítjuk.

Earnings per share is the monetary value of earnings per outstanding share of common stock for a company. Preferred stock rights have precedence over common stock. Therefore, dividends on preferred shares are subtracted before calculating the EPS. When preferred shares are cumulative, annual dividends are deducted whether or not they have been declared. Dividends in arrears are not relevant when calculating EPS. The EPS is usually calculated as profit without preferred dividends divided by weighted average of common stock shares over the past twelve months.

Mit csinál Atlassian?

atlassian is a leading provider of collaboration, development, and issue tracking software for teams. with over 50,000 global customers (including 85 of the fortune 100), we’re advancing the power of collaboration with products including jira, confluence, hipchat, and bitbucket. driven by honest values, an amazing culture, and consistent revenue growth, we’re out to unleash the potential of every team. for more information, visit