A Előre P/E az Acadia Healthcare Company Inc - 20.79
Az előrejelzett ár / jövedelem arány a vállalat tőzsdei árának és a társaság becsült részvényenkénti eredményének aránya a következő tizenkét hónapban.
The forward price to earnings ratio is similar to trailing price to earnings ratio but instead of net income uses estimated net earnings over next 12 months. Estimates are typically derived as the mean of those published by a select group of analysts with selection criteria varying. The forward price-to-earnings ratio is a powerful, but limited tool. It allows a quick snapshot of the company’s finances without getting down in the details of an accounting report.
acadia is a provider of inpatient and outpatient behavioral health and addiction treatment services. acadia operates a network of 225 behavioral healthcare facilities with approximately 9,190 beds in 37 states, the united kingdom and puerto rico. acadia provides psychiatric and chemical dependency services to its patients in a variety of settings, including inpatient psychiatric hospitals, residential treatment centers, outpatient clinics and therapeutic school-based programs. acadia healthcare’s behavioral health treatment facilities are specialized solely in helping children, teenagers and adults suffering from mental health disorders and/or alcohol and drug addiction.