A Bevétel Q/Q az Abacus Property Group Stapled Securities - -45.25%
A negyedéves árbevétel-növekedés évről évre meghaladja a társaság bevételeinek növekedését az előző év azonos negyedévének százalékos arányában kifejezett teljesítményéhez képest.
Quaterly revenue growth is the amount by which revenue exceeds the revenue in a previous quarter. It is beneficial to look at a company's quarterly financials to identify how the company is performing over time not just during the current period. The usage of year over year comparison is advantageous in removing seasonalities in reporting the quarterly revenue growth and observing longterm trends.
Abacus Property Group (ASX:ABP), is a diversified Australian REIT with an investment portfolio concentrated in the Office and Self Storage sectors. We invest capital in real estate opportunities to deliver superior long term returns and maximise securityholder value. Abacus is a strong asset backed, annuity style business model where capital is directed towards assets that provide potential for enhanced income growth and ultimately create value. Our people, market insight and repositioning capability together with strategic partnering are the key enablers of our strategy. Located in a single corporate office in Sydney, Australia, Abacus is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and is included in the S&P/ASX 200 index. Abacus is comprised of Abacus Group Holdings Limited (the nominated parent entity), Abacus Group Projects Limited and Abacus Storage Operations Limited, Abacus Trust, Abacus Income Trust and Abacus Storage Property Trust. The shares and units in these entities are stapled together and trade as one security in ABP.